First off, let me say that I have the most amazing husband in the world. He is in love with the Lord and strives to serve Him in all aspects of his life. Last weekend, I went to the Woodlands Church Women's Retreat and encountered the Lord in a huge way. Praise Him that He is willing to reveal our sins to us and give us the strength to seek Him as we walk through things. Anyways, I came home on Sunday to a surprise.
As I walked in the door, I was instructed to look at the PS3. I looked to the place where it is typically located and it was gone! Steve then went on to explain that he felt convicted about how he spends his free time and out of obedience to our Savior, sold his game system. What guy would do that? He then told me that selling his game system wasn't all he did that weekend. He pulled out a box and had me open it. Inside was a Nikon D40 that he bought with the money from his PS3! I was looking into buying this camera from a friend of mine, but decided not to due to being a tight wad.
Today we went on our first adventure with our new friend and here are some of the results. Steve and I are trying to use our free time in a constructive way, so we took a walk and snapped some shots along the way! Here are some of our first attempts. We are new at this, so don't expect anything amazing.
Let's start off with an interesting picture of our cat...
...and our nephew, Wicket
Here's another for good measure
The next pictures are from our walk today!
We found a lonely shoe and Steve took this picture of it.
My love from my perspective: